
Dormancy Fee for Thuraya prepaid accounts

Thuraya will charge a $19 monthly dormancy fee for all Thuraya prepaid accounts.

All Thuraya prepaid satellite phone accounts (PREPAY, NOVA, BACKUP) that haven't been used for chargeable activity for 12 months will incur a $19 monthly dormancy (inactivity) fee.

  • The fee will be deducted from the prepaid account balance on a monthly basis until the balance is depleted or the account is used for any chargeable activity.
  • If the account balance is below $19, the full remaining balance will be taken.
  • Once the account balance is 0, the account will remain active (for inbound calls, for example) until its next renewal date, however, no chargeable activity will be possible until the balance is recharged.
  • All other Thuraya prepaid balance and renewal rules remain in force.

How to avoid the dormancy fee

  • All Thuraya prepaid subscribers should make at least one chargeable call or send a text message from their Thuraya phone(s) every year. (Calling free numbers (150, 151, etc.) or sending a free text messages will NOT count for resetting the inactivity clock.)
  • If you are charged the dormancy fee one month, complete a chargeable action and the inactivity clock will reset for another 12 months.
  • For North America users: Unfortunately, a chargeable activity on Thuraya prepaid accounts can only be made from within the Thuraya satellite coverage area, which doesn't include the United States, Canada or the Americas. Subscribers therefore should plan accordingly and in advance in order to avoid being charged the dormancy fee.  

If you need to recharge your Thuraya prepaid balance, you can do it through Sattrans website.

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