
Expiration of inbound text messages (SMS) to Iridium

When someone sends you a text message (SMS) to your Iridium satellite phone number and your Iridium phone is turned off or not registered in the Iridium satellite network, the following actions will occur:

Once the Iridium network receives a text message, it will immediately attempt a delivery to your satellite phone. If the phone is not available, the network will attempt delivery according to the following schedule:

  • 2 retries every 2 minutes
  • 2 retries every 5 minutes
  • 6 retries every 10 minutes
  • 12 retries every 4 hours

The total time span for these delivery attempts is 2 days 1 hour and 14 minutes. After this retry schedule is exhausted, the text message will wait in the network message box until the destination phone gets back in the network, which would cause the delivery of the text message.

If after 8 days the message is still not delivered to the recipient, it will expire and be deleted from the message box.

The end user can initiate delivery of SMS by manually registering the phone, by either placing a call or pressing the "↑", then the "8" key.

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